Be Your Own Lawyer - Chaa-du

Be Your Own Lawyer - Chaa-du

In life when someone asks us, what is your opinion or stance on an issue or matter, whatever our stance is, we should be able to defend it.

Let me ask you this… Would a lawyer go into court and put forward their argument whether it is the prosecution or the defence without having first done their research?  No lawyer would enter court without having done in depth research first.  The best lawyers not only research their own side but also the other side as well so as to prepare for what they may be up against.  This means that the best lawyers are excruciatingly impartial.

Ideally, in life, you would not only know your own side’s arguments but also the other side as well.  Better yet, when looking at an issue, you would not choose any side but instead look at all sides of an argument without prejudging and come to your own conclusion.  If at that point you want to take a side, then you are well prepared to do so.  

Keep in mind that the idea of sides or teams is purely abstract.  Your better strategy in life is to deal with what is concrete first.  So the challenge now is... can you be your own lawyer? 

*Taken from "Becoming an Impartialist - The Attainment of Freedom Through Impartiality", which can be found in our bookstore, either in paperback or as an Ebook. 

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